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Reading Compehension Lesson Plan

Dragon Comprehends Key Ideas and Details

Reading Comprehension lesson plan student level: K to 3rd grade elementary

Reading Comprehension lesson plan materials required:

Reading comprehension lesson plan - comprehending key ideas and details

Reading Comprehension lesson plan activity time: 1 to 3 class periods, depending on use of optional activities.

Objective of Reading Comprehension lesson plan: Help teachers achieve reading literature common core standards on key ideas and details by practicing reading comprehension skills.

Preparation for Reading Comprehension lesson plan: Make enough copies of the Reading Comprehension Forms/Handouts for each student.

Reading Comprehension of Plot
Read the picture book Old MacDonald had a Dragon to the whole class. After reading the book, discuss with the class the problems that the farmer faced in the story. What problem did he have in the beginning of the book? What choices did he have? Did he remain happy with his choice? How did the problem get worse? How did he finally resolve the problem? Ask the students in the class if they liked the farmer’s resolution to the problem. If desired, ask the students how they would have resolved the problem.

Discuss how most traditional stories follow a similar predictable pattern. The main character faces a problem that he or she must resolve, and often the problem gets worse until the main character ultimately resolves the problem. Ask the students if they can think of examples of other stories that they’ve read or heard that follows this pattern. If desired, you can put the students in groups or team them up with partners to talk about and think of examples of other stories. After a few minutes, bring them back together to discuss their ideas or present your own story examples. Examples of stories might include the following:

Have the students answer the questions in the story comprehension forms to practice their story comprehension abilities and assess their comprehension.

Reading Comprehension of Characters:
Who are the main characters of the story? Ask and discus with the students what are some of the things they know about the main characters. Have the students answer the questions in the character comprehension forms to practice their character comprehension abilities and assess their comprehension.

Reading Comprehension of Setting:
Discuss the setting for Old MacDonald had a dragon. Ask the students the types of things that are usually found on a farm. Discuss the different types of farms (i.e., farms with different animals, dairy farms, farms that only grow crops, farms that have animals and crops, etc.). Talk about how the use of adjectives helps readers better visualize the setting in a story. Have the students answer questions in the setting comprehension form to practice their setting comprehension abilities and assess their comprehension, as well as to experiment with descriptive language to describe a setting of their choice.

Optional Reading Comprehension Activity: Think-Aloud Reading Comprehension Skill Development:
Think-aloud strategies can help student’s comprehension on tests. By verbalizing their thoughts with a think-aloud process students have to occasionally stop and reflect upon what they’re reading or hearing, which ultimately helps them develop their comprehension skills.

To conduct this think-aloud activity, the first time you read Old MacDonald had a Dragon to the students, do not show them the pictures on each page of the book until you have 1) Read the text on the page, 2) Asked the students the questions listed below associated with the pages indicated, and 3) The students have had a chance to respond out loud to the questions.

Additional Optional Reading Comprehension and Writing Activities

Alternative Ending: Have the students think of their own alternative ending for the story and ask them to write that ending.

Imaginative Writing: Ask the students to write about the problems and/or good things that would happen if they had a dragon at their house.

More on Adjectives: Discuss some the “descriptive” language used in the story by the dragon and have the students write sentences using some of those adjectives or adjectives of your choice. (Delightful Dairy/Savory Swine/Marvelous Mutton/Terrible Tummy Ache). This could also be an opportunity to discuss alliteration.

Story Comparison: Read to the class the picture book Cow Can’t Sleep by Ken Baker. Ask about and discuss with the class the similarities between this book and Old MacDonald had a Dragon (i.e., It’s on a farm, animals, farmer, etc.). Discuss and ask about how they’re different. (i.e., different plot, no dragon, daytime vs nighttime, etc.)

To print the Reading Comprehension lesson plan: Download a printer-friendly PDF version of the Dragon Comprehends Key Ideas and Details Reading Comprehension lesson plan

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Copyright 2001-2023 by Ken Baker

How to Care for your T-Rex pictures by Dave Coverly
Old MacDonald had a Dragon pictures by Christopher Santoro
Brave Little Monster pictures by Geoffrey Hayes
Cow Can't Sleep pictures by Steve Gray